Women In My Life Want Me to Loose Weight

25 years after giving birth to me as well as after 7 years in relationship with me, both women in my life finally asked me to loose weight.

Early this year, my mum complained about my appearence, “You should loose some weight dear, you didnt look like someone on 25.Do some work out ok”. And I just replied her with a smile, she was joking maybe, since Umi never complain about my weight except for my dress-up which she refer too selekeh. Anyway, I was grunge.

And recently, my beloved Istimewa had also indirectly ask me to loose weight!!!

Now i’m taking this seriously. One comment might be a joke but if it is more than one, joke no more.

The first thing I did is to stare myself on the mirror, the big one. Although I dont have a full scale mirror, I always give a serious glance whenever i passed a reflective object, well the result is… yeah, they were right.

Then I was thinking to weight myself on the machine. I actually didnt update with my weight and height data maybe thats why I didnt realize if i am gaining weight of not. BUT. Why they must put the machines at the popular area? Such as nearby the escalator, on the way to washrooms or beside the main enterance door of a shopping mall? So, I cant make my data collecting. Thus, never ask me for my weight then.

So as an effort to loose my weight, starting from this morning, I did a 10 minutes walk to office instead of taking komuter. Its a good start isnt it? hehehehe

4 Responses to “Women In My Life Want Me to Loose Weight”

  1. chubby is cuddly kan? :p

  2. Penanam Sayur Says:

    Ky: cuddly tu ape ? (think positif think positif)

  3. chubby is equal to comel 🙂
    but grabble is equal to betty

  4. penanam sayur Says:

    abby : I really really need thesaurus… 😛

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